Book Reviews

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  1. Otlogetswe, T. (2005). Review: Sociolinguistics: Tollefson & Tsui (2004).The Linguist List. Retrieved 15 July, 2015, from
  2. Shin, H. (2007). Medium of instruction policies: Which agenda? Whose agenda? Language Awareness, 16(1), 75-77.
  3. Ammon, U. (2006). Medium of instruction policies: Which agenda? Whose agenda? Current Issues in Language Planning, 16(1), 141-145.
  4. Deng, Z. & Gopinathan, S. (2006). The complicity of medium‐of‐instruction policies: functions and hidden agendas. Journal of Curriculum Studies 38(5), 609-622.
  5. Khubchandani, L. M. (2006). Medium of Instruction Policies: Which Agenda? Whose Agenda?. Language & Education: An International Journal, 20(1), 84-88.
  6. Osborn, T. A. (2005). Medium of instruction policies: Which agenda? Whose agenda? Language Problems and Language Planning, 29(1), 94-95.
  7. Tamly, S. (2005). Medium of instruction policies: Which agenda? Whose agenda? Language Teaching Research, 9(1), 117-122.
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