Warm-up Visit

In order to ensure a better kick-off and future collaboration, the following matters, mainly questions about whats, whos, whens, whoms and hows, are covered in the first team visit to project schools.

  1. Knowing each other among members in the joint-team of the school and HKU
  2. Reviewing previous efforts that have been put in by the school
  3. Sharing view-points or mutual expectations about the project such as working space and readiness of teachers, levels and classes to be involved, priority of topics to be developed, support required, etc.
  4. Collecting updated school information, e.g. school calendar, textbooks, classes streaming, scheme of work, facilities for learning, school rules about learning, types of assessments (uniform or of different standard), examination papers of the last school year
  5. Introducing methods that would be used for data collection, e.g. student interview, teacher interview, lesson observations, questionnaires, etc.
  6. Setting date and time for 2nd and 3rd visits (including class visit and topic discussion),
  7. Things to be prepared for coming meetings