Flow of Collaboration (2015-2016)

Stage 1 – warm-up (Late September to early October, 2015) – First team visit to every project school

Stage 2 – pilot study (Mid-October to early November, 2015) – Lesson observation and professional sharing on topics taught

Stage 3A* – field work (Early November, 2015 to mid-May, 2016) – Lesson studies on around no less than 3 chapters (see schedule)

Stage 3B* – workshop sharing (Late November, 2015 to late-April, 2016) – on both cultural and math matters (see workshop in 0405 Enrichment)

Stage 4 – sum-up (Late March to mid-July, 2016) – making of Teaching Packs and summarizing of students features


* Stages 3A and 3B are two parts of a cyclic process.  Lessons studied in Stage 3A are shared among 6 project schools in the workshops run in Stage 3B.  In these workshops, relevant cultural and math resources are also introduced in order to enrich the discussion among teachers.  After each workshop sharing, deeper understanding of NCS students’ learning is expected.  Such understanding enhanced further lessons design for the students.