IES Contest 2013: Rules and Regulations


Liberal Studies IES Contest 2013 & the Fourth Liberal Studies Project Competition
Objective: To enhance Liberal students’ understanding and knowledge of research methods and their awareness towards the global community.
Eligibility: Secondary 2 – 6 full-time school students in the academic year 2012-2013
Activities: Seminars, Workshops and IES Project Competition

Details can be found here: IEScontest2013_rules_English

Luncheon Talk with Norton: Cyber Bullying Among Youth

LSSLN Chairperson and guest speakers

LSSLN Chairperson, Jacqueline Lo, and guest speakers of the luncheon talk

Social networking sites and mobile devices are integrated into part of our life, and the issue of cyber-bullying among juvenile is getting the attention of general public, for more teenagers are trying to use different Internet tools to uncover some personal information or attack their peers. On February 27, LSSLN has collaborated with Norton and Social Work and Social Administration Society, SSS, HKUSU to deliver an interdisciplinary luncheon talk to HKU students, and a media roundtable to the mass media, on the topic of Cyber-bullying at TT404 of T.T. Tsui Building of HKU.

HKU students attending the talk

The luncheon talk, entitled “Cyber-bullying 101: A global viral threat among juvenile”, was held from 12:30-1:30pm. Miss Marian Merritt from Norton, Mr. Ng Ho Hei from Hong Kong Family Welfare Society (HKFWS), Dr. Cheung Chi-Kim & Dr. Ki Wing-wah from the Faculty of Education, had sat together and share some latest research findings on cyber-bullying, as well as their insights on preventing it among teenagers. The attendants are far more than expected. Together with the four guest speakers, HKU students are able to learn the latest trend on this issue, as well as way to work together in fighting against improper Internet behaviour.


After the talk, Miss Marian, Mr. Ng and Dr. Ki sat together and had an inspiring discussion with the mass media for another hour. They were all happy that it was an memorable moment for having an opportunity to listen to what others think, have some self reflection on the topic, and get to know some new friends of shared interest.

Set of photos of the event: Browse on Facebook
Local news media’s coverage on the activity: News clipping

Cyber-bullying 101: A global viral threat among juvenile

Norton_luncheon talk

Interdisciplinary Luncheon Talk Series
Cyber-bullying 101: A global viral threat among juvenile

Liberal Studies Service & Learning Network (LSSLN) and Social Work and Social Administration Society (SSS) are co-organizing the activity with Norton in constructing a platform for knowledge exchange on cyber-bullying. Miss Marian Merritt from Norton, Mr. Ng Ho Hei from Hong Kong Family Welfare Society (HKFWS), Dr. Cheung Chi-Kim & Dr. Ki Wing-wah from the Faculty of Education, will sit together and share their insights.

Details of the talk are as follows:
Date: 27th, February, 2013 (Wednesday)
Time: 12:30 – 1:30 pm
Venue: TT404, TT Tsui Building, the University of Hong Kong



社交網站及流動裝置日益普及,互聯網成為日常社交不可或缺一部分,同時衍生網絡欺凌(Cyber Bullying)問題。近年,網上「起底」及惡意言語攻擊等網絡欺凌個案在本港屢見不鮮,當中以青少年朋輩之間的欺凌情況最惹人關注,成為不容忽視的社會議題。


· Norton全球網絡安全顧問Marian Merritt女士將分析全球青少年網絡欺凌趨勢,以及問題對整體社會、家庭及青少年的影響
· 香港家庭福利會青少年服務經理(註冊社工)吳浩希先生將分享本港青少年網絡欺凌情況,並探討家長及學校在問題上扮演的角色
· 香港大學教育學院教授張志儉博士及祈永華博士以學術角度分析此社會現象

日期:2013年2月27日 (星期三)
時間:下午 12時 30分至 1時 30分
地點:香港大學徐展堂樓 404室

Liberal Studies IES Contest 2012


The Prize Presentation Ceremony on October 6, 2012 has marked an end of the Liberal Studies IES Contest 2012.
Here we would like to congratulate the winners of the competition and appreciate every effort paid by the participants, as well as the help of our honourary Professors and team members of LSSLN within the Faculty of Education family!
In upcoming future we will have more activities (Public Talks, Enrichment courses), stay tuned and see you soon!

由港大通識教育及服務小組舉辦的IES Contest 2012已於2012年10月6日完結。恭喜所有得獎隊伍,亦感謝參賽者、香港大學教育學院的教授及學生於活動期間的積極參與!


Talk to Justin Wong – Comic, Politics and Culture

Public talk_Mr Justin Wong

黃照達講座:《嘰嘰格格》- 漫畫‧政治‧文化


嘉賓:黃照達先生 (專欄漫畫家)

地點:香港大學 許愛周科學館 LG06室



Talk to Justin Wong – Comic, Politics and Culture

Come and draw with Justin Wong, a column artist at Mingpao, satirizing our everyday life in Hong Kong. Justin would share his feelings towards Liberal Studies, General Education and social issues in Hong Kong. Come if you are interested in drawing as well as reading comics!

Date: October 18, 2012 (Thursday)
Time: 6:30-9:00pm
Venue: LG06, Hui Oi Chow Science Building, The University of Hong Kong

“CURRENT” is a public lecture series organized by Liberal Studies Service and Learning Network, and supported by General Education Unit, HKU.

L’amour en partage (Share the love) Service Project

L'amour en partage (Share the love) Service Project

Trip to Cheung Chau with families of the Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children

Our Community Outreaching Team has co-organized a service project named “L’amour en partage” (“Share the love” in French) with Zonta Z Club of St Stephen’s Girls’ College (SSGC). The service project, which was initiated in November 2011, is the first time for LSSLN to cooperate with a secondary school at the nearby community of the Western District. The project aims to let both parties gain a better understanding of each other, serve the society together, and foster a greater sense of belonging to the local community.

On March 24, 2012, we went to Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service Elderly Center in Sha Tin. Five HKU students joined 25 SSGC girls and their teacher. We initially played some ice-breaking games with them. Then, we performed Chinese Opera, sang old Chinese songs, danced, and gave a lute performance for the elderly. They were very happy and joined the festivities. We gave them some towels and biscuits as souvenirs.

We had another community service on June 23, 2012. We had brought 37 kids and their parents from Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children (HKSPC) to Cheung Chau. On the service day, after a short briefing with service project participants, we played different games with the children and parents from the HKSPC. With a specially designed treasure hunt game, the kids and parents explored the beautiful scenery as well as the unique features of Cheung Chau Island. As some families had never been to Cheung Chau Island before, they enjoyed the visit immensely. Both parties had a great experience.

The series of social service activities has ended with the closing of school year 2011–12. However, the service project afforded the BEd(Liberal Studies) students an invaluable experience in reaching out to the local community, which enriched their leadership skills and interaction with different sectors of the society.

This article is also available in the HKU Faculty of Education Newsletter, Education Matters Vol. 10 No. 2 2012.

The Power of Imagination

Public talk_Ms Lenoie Ki

Topic: The Power of Imagination
Guest Speaker: Ms. Leonie Ki, Managing Director of New World China Enterprises Projects Ltd, founding Partner of Grey Hong Kong Advertising Ltd

Date: 21 April 2012 (Saturday)
Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Venue: LE1, Hui Pun Hing Lecture Hall, Library Extension (New Wing), HKU

Medium of Instruction: Cantonese

Liberal Studies is the watershed of Hong Kong education. Most would relate the subject with sorts like news reading and critical thinking. Our guest speaker Ms. Leonie Ki, an iconic figure in the world of advertising and the Honorary Fellow of HKU, will share her brilliant ideas on advertising, and how students in Hong Kong could “think out of the box” and develop their aspiration with Liberal Studies.

This is a lecture series of “Current LS” organised by Liberal Studies Service & Learning Network and supported by General Education Unit.

嘉賓:紀文鳳小姐 (資深廣告人)






Academy for the Talented 2011

Academy_IES Workshop

Liberal Studies Service & Learning Network (LSSLN) has participated in the Academy for Talented in conducting two workshops in Nov 19 and Dec 3, 2011 (two Saturdays). The Workshops aim at enhancing their ability in doing Independent Enquiry Studies (IES) project, which is a subject requirement for their Liberal Studies subject.

The first day of workshop starts with lecture by Dr. Cheung Chi-kim, who is the associate programme director of the Bachelor of Education (Liberal Studies) programme, introducing them some practical research skills. Followed by a small class tutorial session, conducted by cohorts of the BEd (Liberal Studies), guiding students’ ways to create authentic questionnaires. The students had actively participated in the dialogue and they all produced high standard products.

The second workshop mainly focuses on improving their ability in expressing their ideas. By the time I had with them at the tutorial session, I found that they are fast learners in terms of understanding the concepts the professors introduced to them at the morning lecture session, it was really a pleasure to have these students as they were not shy in expressing their point of views. We even stayed until late to discuss deeper and further on different issues at Liberal Studies.

Summary of Liberal Studies IES Series 2011

IES2011 (2)

LSSLN has launched a long term service programme called “IES Project Series 2011” (IES stands for Independent Enquiry Study). It is a service-learning activity for HKU LS students to facilitate secondary school students in Hong Kong. The IES Project Series 2011 has been listed as one of the activity of the centenary celebration of the HKU and we have granted the permission from the Centenary Celebrations Secretariat to use the “HKU100” logo at our promotional items (For reference: )

IES2011 (1)

In February 2011, the LSSLN has sent introduction packages to local secondary schools (510 in total) introducing the “IES Project Series 2011” as well as the “IES Project Competition 2011”. So far two workshops had been held for the secondary students to learn more about Liberal Studies and the Independent Enquiry Study Project, a number of year one & two HKU LS students had participated as both the organizer and workshop facilitator. In coming July, reports from participated teams will be received and they will be evaluated by HKU LS students under the guidance of professors from Faculty of Education (mainly course coordinators and teaching consultants of BEd Liberal Studies).  In August 2011, there will be a closing ceremony concluding the performance of secondary school participants of the IES Project Competition and awards will be given to outstanding teams to encourage them to work hard in coming future for Liberal Studies.

IES2011 (4)

In June 2011, we have started another activity under the “IES Series 2011”, which is called “Liberal Studies Summer Courses 2011”. The LSSLN will make use the free time at semester break and design summer programmes for Secondary Four and Five students (in the coming 2011/12 academic year) to attend. The course will be started at mid-July 2011 and it will last for around two weeks. Application forms are being sent out to Panel Head of Liberal Studies at secondary schools in Hong Kong to request teachers encouraging students to join. At the end of the course, participants will need to give a speech to present their learning outcomes of the course, and this will provide an opportunity for them to present themselves as well as reflecting what they have learnt. Similar to the workshops for IES Project Competition, HKU LS students will act as course facilitator and guide the students to learn effectively from the short term courses.

IES2011 (3)

In coming academic year, the LSSLN would continuously organize activities for both HKU LS cohorts and secondary students. We are also interested to extend our “Service, Learning, Legacy” motto to facilitate a more large scale of secondary students (studying Liberal Studies) in Hong Kong. Community services such as Liberal Studies Review workshops are planned for HKU LS students helping the students in need.

Liberal Studies Academic Exchange in Taiwan


The study tour was organized by the Liberal Studies Services and Learning Network (LSSLN), a student support network formed by a group of Bachelor of Education (Liberal Studies) students in 2010. The study team visited the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) and the National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) from December 19-22, 2010. The study team also had a chance to meet and exchange with the academics in the Centres of General Education and pre-service teachers from these two universities.

The exchange trip offered Liberal Studies undergraduates a golden opportunity to learn more about the design and structuring of Liberal Studies/General Education in Taiwan universities. “Although the rationale and curriculum of Hong Kong’s Liberal Studies and Taiwan’s General Education may differ, from the sharing of the teaching staff and students, it is observed that both of the two universities have integrated a wider range of study areas and learning activities into the subject, in order to get a better achievement in all-rounded education. Their ways of organizing the subject are definitely a significant model that we could make reference to and learn from for the future development of Liberal Studies education” said Charles Mak, Academic Secretary of Liberal Studies Service and Learning Network.




通識教育科在二零零九年成為新高中學制下的必修科,被視為是新學制改革的里程碑。然而,本地對於通識教育的教與學資源有限,不少中學師生均覺得修讀通識教育科本意雖好,實行上卻因經驗不足,使其學習模式淪為與一般學科無異。為了參考鄰近地區對通識教育的教學經驗,由就讀香港大學通識教育榮譽學士課程的本科生組成的「通識教育及服務小組」逐提出了「境外學術交流活動」的構想:透過組織本科生探訪境外學府,親身了解不同地方對通識教育的定義及教學方針。此意念得到了香港大學教育學院的教授支持,院長Professor Stephen J. Andrews亦撰文支持這個構想,認為是一個難得的機會讓院內就讀通識教育學士的本科生拓展視野,日後投身教育界將能有更有效地運用個人知識。





