Liberal Studies IES Contest 2012


The Prize Presentation Ceremony on October 6, 2012 has marked an end of the Liberal Studies IES Contest 2012.
Here we would like to congratulate the winners of the competition and appreciate every effort paid by the participants, as well as the help of our honourary Professors and team members of LSSLN within the Faculty of Education family!
In upcoming future we will have more activities (Public Talks, Enrichment courses), stay tuned and see you soon!

由港大通識教育及服務小組舉辦的IES Contest 2012已於2012年10月6日完結。恭喜所有得獎隊伍,亦感謝參賽者、香港大學教育學院的教授及學生於活動期間的積極參與!


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