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Critical Pedagogy The University of Hong Kong

The aim of this focal research area is to examine and/or explore:

How pedagogy constructs the limits and horizons of knowledge and social action
How pedagogy shapes and is shaped by culture and identity
How pedagogy is situated within and perpetuates particular social and textual practices
How pedagogy positions individuals and groups ideologically
How pedagogy can problematize and respond to dominant, naturalized or conventionalized texts, narratives, discourses and practices
Blog of the Critical Pedagogy

Forthcoming Meeting

12 Mar 2008 (Wednesday) 12:45-2pm Meta-analysis of critical pedagogy- a discussion of a chapter from Jennifer Gore's
The struggle for pedagogies: Critical and feminist discourses as regimes of truth
Runme Shaw 204
7 Nov 2007 (Wednesday)
Research Sharing on 'Deviant' Youth in China
(Presenter: Ms Lucia Lau)
Hui Oi Chow LG02

Focal Group Members (*Co-convenors)

Name Email Faculty
Dr Matthew Clarke* mclarke@hkucc.hku.hk Education
Ms Margaret Lo* mmlo@hkucc.hku.hk Education
Dr Vichy Ho vichyho@hkucc.hku.hk Arts- CLEP, Chinese
Ms Tess Hogue thogue@hkucc.hku.hk English Centre
Dr Cheung Chi Kim cheungck@hkucc.hku.hk Education
Mr Gwyn Edwards gedwards@hkucc.hku.hk Education
Dr Jasmine Luk lukcmj@hkucc.hku.hk Education
Dr Mark Mason mmason@hku.hk Education
Prof Gerard Postiglione postiglione@hku.hk Education
Dr Linda Tsung lindat@hkucc.hku.hk Education
Ms Ying Danjun, Issa yingdj@hkusua.hku.hk PhD candidate, Education
Miss Gao Fang gaofang@hkusua.hku.hk PhD candidate, Education
Ms Lucia Lau lucialau@hkusua.hku.hk PhD candidate, Education
Miss Maria Manzon mimanzon@hku.hk PhD candidate, Education
Mr Hayes Tang hayes@graduate.hku.hk PhD candidate, Education
Ms Eudora Lee eudoralee@hotmail.com MEd candidate, Education
Ms Nicol Pan nicol@graduate.hku.hk MPhil candidate, Education

Research that group members currently undertaking around the focal area

Discourse analysis, sociocultural theory, critical literacies in ESL contexts
Cross-cultural classroom interaction
Language and anthropology
Media education
Ethnicity and identity, comparative cultures and societies
Teacher identity, curriculum policy analysis
Strategic language use
Family structure, institutional context and school success among Korean pupils in China
Bilingual education, language policy, minority languages and ethnic identity
Epistemology and critical pedagogy after postmodernism
Culture, Migration and Education, Social Capital

Constituent Theme-funded Projects

Visitorship of Dr Kristina Love, University of Melbourne, Australia, 1 December 2006
Visitorship of Dr Brian Morgan, York University, Canada, 3-11 February 2007
hits since Feb 06